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  • Jun 2024
  • Jun 2024

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    Ouverture de l’appel à solutions de la CELLULE !

    Le CQDM est heureux d’annoncer le lancement du premier appel à solutions de la CELLULE. Cette nouvelle approche d’accompagnement et de financement des innovations permettra d’accélérer le développement de technologies hautement prometteuses ayant le potentiel de résoudre certaines problématiques industrielles d’importance limitant actuellement le développement et l’utilisation des thérapies ARN. Les technologies proposées devront absolument répondre aux enjeux industriels identifiés et aux paramètres de performance minimaux définis.

    La date limite de dépôt des propositions est fixée au 28 août 2024. Pour toutes questions, contactez Alexandre Morizot, Directeur Développement des Affaires, [email protected].

    Pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à découvrir le site web d’AReNA .  

    Soumettre une proposition


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    La création de programmes de formations dédiés aux besoins de la filière de l’ARN thérapeutiques. 

    Le CQDM est heureux d’annoncer le lancement de l’École-Usine, menée par l’Alliance canadienne pour la formation et le développement de compétences en sciences de la vie (CASTL), en collaboration avec plusieurs établissements d’enseignement. L’École-Usine offrira des programmes de formation spécialisés, en fabrication d’ARN, aux travailleurs déjà dans l’industrie ainsi qu’aux scientifiques, étudiants universitaires et collégiaux.

    L’École-Usine en thérapies ARN permettra l’acquisition de connaissances et compétences spécifiques aux thérapies ARN ainsi qu’à leur environnement de production. Elle offrira des formations pratiques sur des équipements de pointe et dans un environnement simulant la réalité, associées au respect des bonnes pratiques de fabrication (BPF) biopharmaceutiques.

    Plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à découvrir le site web d’AReNA et à consulter le communiqué en cliquant ci-dessous.

    Lire le communiqué

  • Apr 2024

  • Oct 2023

    Save the Date!

    We are thrilled to announce the 25th RiboClub meeting, which will be held in Ottawa from September 30, 2024, to October 4, 2024. This special event marks a significant milestone as we celebrate 25 years of RiboClub excellence.

    In collaboration with the RiboWest and TREnD scientific meetings, this gathering promises to be an unforgettable experience. Block your calendar and join us in Ottawa as we bring together researchers and members interested in RNA biology from across the globe.

    Registration will open on March 15, 2024, so be sure to mark your calendars and secure your spot at this prestigious event.

    The 25th RiboClub meeting will feature an exceptional program of presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities. Additionally, we are excited to include a public event that introduces RNA research to the public and decision-makers, fostering collaboration and raising awareness.

    Stay tuned for further updates and detailed information about the program, renowned speakers, and the registration process. Let’s celebrate 25 years of RiboClub together in Ottawa!

    The RiboClub Team

  • June 2023

    The RiboClub recent had its annual Social Day at Manoir des Sables on Friday, June 16th, 2023, which was a huge success!

    Under the theme “From Little Green Men to Little Green Habits: An Exploration of Sustainability”, we were delighted to welcome four guest speakers: Loïc Lannelongue, Shannon Sterling, Robert Lamontagne and Haley Sapers, renowned experts in the fields of astrobiology and green science.

    The Social Day brought together a large number of Sherbrooke members who had the opportunity to celebrate RiboClub’s recent achievements and expand their knowledge beyond the field of RNA, all while networking with fellow members. The afternoon was filled with fun outdoor activities with ten teams competing against each other. Congratulations to Team Laïka for coming in first place!

    Thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 RiboClub Social Day, our four guest speakers, and our sponsors REMDUS, RECMUS, and Le Fonds d’appui à l’engagement étudiant (FAEE). A special shout-out to the RiboClub Student Executive Committee whose hard work made this day possible!

    For a glimpse of our event, please visit our photo album here:

  • April 2023

    Call for all trainees to Join RNA Canada

    RNA Canada invites all students, postdoctoral fellows and research associates to join the Canadian RNA community. Become a member to support RNA research in Canada and benefit from RNA Canada efforts to generate education, jobs and training opportunities. Register here:

  • March 2023
    Congratulations to Benoit Chabot for receiving the
    RNA Society Lifetime Achievement in Service Award.





    Benoit Chabot, Professor at the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Université de University of Sherbrooke, Canada, is recognized for his extraordinary contributions to the RNA Society throughout the years. Benoit has been a member of the RNA Society since its founding and has played an integral part, serving as co-organizer of our Annual Meeting in 2001 (Banff) and 2009 (Madison) and lead organizer in 2014 (Québec City). Since 2015, Benoit has demonstrated exemplary commitment, vision and leadership as chair of the Meetings Committee. In this role, he ensured the success of the society’s Annual Meeting even under the very difficult circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By being creative and bold, while maintaining a focus on how to best serve the Society, Benoit ensured that attendance at the annual meeting remained robust. Benoit also established a new initiative – the RNA Society Childcare, Dependent-care and Disability Allowance program. Apart from his efforts for the RNA Society, Benoit is recognized for his work promoting RNA science in Canada; he is a founding member of the RiboClub of Sherbrooke and has co-organized the annual RiboClub Symposium since the first meeting in 2000.